I cant imagine many people have more antipathy for the snidley blame-avoiding, elitist-serving, Cameron-fronted charade that is the Conservative-LibDem alliance than I have.
We're now rolling into the third month already of their reign & whilst there wasnt the immediate appearence from the earth of barbed wire segregation boundaries & our new leader didnt instantly go on TV and brazenly dispense with his "callow charm" act & announce : 'the north & working class are screwed. Straight away. You knew this would happen. For various reasons, you've let your guard down a bit - the door has been clawed open , you've let us back in & now we're back in we're going to remind you why you were so keen to lock it so tightly when we last got bundled out.....What did you expect ?!' but I think people would have preferred his honesty if he had.
Without going on and on and on -because other people are more knowledgeable on the intracacies and can convey them better than me - the worst aspect has been the insidious control of the media & ability to divert attention from their policies. Fair enough, maybe people in general arent gagging for a full update on Michael Gove's latest speech or craving for a prime-time expose on the wrongness of getting rid of the Child Trust Fund, it is hideoulsy dry territory, but I think it's far more newsworthy than what does get used as 'headlines' - and y'know it is The News.
This is extremely rich I suppose, coming from the most media manipulative man in the world , with a huge agenda , but you have to agree with him http://www.alastaircampbell.org/blog.php?id=483
The point of this space-filling , holding, unrevealing post is to point out the that creeping tentacles of Government-approved censorship have reached even the most seemingly pointless knooks & crannies. The first shot below is from March :
I stand by every word, (you have to click on it to see it properly, the alignment is askance) although I cant remember what made me bother to chase it up in such a smart-arse wanker-y way, and the schedules (or lack of!!!) would suggest I was right. Also usefully shows that I was just as tiresomely anti-tory before they actually got back in. I'm sure Andy Coulson didnt personally prune the fan-page, but this is how it appears now, with no deletions on my part :
It Makes You Think.
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